"Thank you to the facilitators for being vulnerable and sharing their own failures. I needed this, I needed this so much"
Participant, Social Practice Surgery Workshop,
Social Work? Live, Manchester School of Art, 2019
"Beautifully facilitated and absolutely necessary"
Participant, Social Practice Surgery Workshop,
NECP Case for Culture Annual Forum, ARK, Stockton, 2018

Social Practice 1st Aid Kitt

Ideas and resources developed/ found by Dan Russell and Lady Kitt as part of the Social Practice Surgery.
Illustrations on this page by Lou Brown
Social Practice 1st Aid Kit resources we've made:
Appointments with the Social Practice Surgery. to book click HERE
Social Practice Scales: sliding scales of considerations for working with art and people. Click on headings below to access related resources:
Print and cut out Barometer template (made by Kitt, inspired by working alongside other Constellations 2020-21 artists)
Togetherness Tools (Tools and ideas specifically for being close whilst socially distant)
Walking and Talking- Sliding Scales of Silliness, PowerPoint of ideas for facilitating/ enjoying walking and talking activities
Co mentoring ideas and resources
Social Practice 1st Aid Kit preventative measures:
We're working on these!
Social Practice 1st Aid Kit links to projects / people / places / stuff we have found useful and inspiring:
Social Art Summit and Social Art Network
Social Artery, a non- extractive social platform for all artists (but particularly used by social practice artists). The platform is created by independent, UK arts charity AXIS
Socially engaged and participatory arts network, International
"21st Century Folk Art : Social Art and / as Research" Book by Lucy Wright, Published by Social Art Publications
Artist Union England- support with disputes, contacts etc
Curator Space- lists a variety of art opportunities including socially engaged work
Ria Hartley, Ecologies of Care
Sheila Preston, Coach and well being in arts specialist
Working alongside older adults: Gemma Seltzer "Writers Meet Elders"
Social Practice 1st Aid Kit some ideas to get started with
Find your gang! Build supportive relationships with other socially engaged practitioners locally, nationally and internationally.
When planning projects build in a "regular beat of conversations" (with other practitioners, commissioners, participant, partners) about what is happening, how the project may be changing , how changes may be effecting: the people involved, the proejct structures and the outcomes.
"Take February off"! said jokingly, but as a way to make a serious point: Plan for the year and plan time off- not just "on holiday", but time off from contact time, time to do "life admin", do your accounts, think about professional development, spend time with other artists.
The "Time Guillotine". Either physically write down your time table for your day / week/ month and physically cut it up to (using cuts to illustrate when you are taking time for yourself to rest, relax) or imagine slicing up your time to create portions that are just for you.
Get on some weather appropriate gear and go for a walk.
Social Practice 1st Aid Kit wish list:
Social Art Helpline
Open access templates for social practice project documents (contacts, questions to ask, timelines, ways of exploring and demonstrating value, policies, risk assessments)
HE/ FE courses and modules about the practical aspects of making socially engaged work
The Social Practice Self Care Song (a song we can sing to embed self care into our practice- and our lives!)
Walking and Talking artists support groups (regular opportunities to meet up with other practitioners, get some fresh air and chat about things we need to chat about)
We need your help, please!
If you have questions, suggestions, provocations,
resources, events you would like us to come to, groups
you would like us to visit- PLEASE let us know HERE!