enSHRINE case studies
Lady Kitt 2019-23
Exploring & sharing creative tools for organisational development

enSHRINE case study 1
Access Manifesto commissioned by Axis
Collaborating through an online residency with staff from UK based artist support charity Axis to develop:
1. An illustrated Access Manifesto
2. Processes to support access-centred organisational practice
3. A physical artwork to support access-centred culture in the organisation
The art work Kitt made was a set of wooden cutlery. Each piece is engraved with a key phrase from the Access Manifesto collectively written during the project. As the team all work remotely, each staff member was sent a piece of cutlery in the post. They meet online once a month to chat about access and have a meal together using the cutlery, as a way of building access centred cultures and habits into their working patterns.
enSHRINE case study 2 "Home-rearing"
Policy and staff development on safer, braver spaces for staff, communities, and artists (with a focus on parent carers and Disabled people) commissioned by The NewBridge Project, Newcastle upon Tyne
Through a one month, in person residency in the gallery at The NewBridge Project and 9 months of follow up conversations, workshops, activities and exercises with staff and trustees, Kitt and their children Finn and Ada developed:
1. A co-created exhibition and series of events asking "Is it useful or desirable, for arts organisations to embody habits, approaches or structures of home into public programming, space and relationships?"
2. A series of recommendations around the themes Time, Clarity and Mischief, relating to Safer Braver Spaces, Creative Health and Environmental Responsibility
3. A series of physical artworks and related activities, offering the staff team a playful opportunity to rehearse approaches to collective decision making
Kitt, Finn and Ada made the NewBridge staff team 3 plant pots and grew them 3 plants. The artwork is the conversation the staff have about whether, or not, the accept these gifts. Staff discussed if they have capacity to collectively care for the plants, if they have physical space for the artworks and the processes they usually go through to make decisions individually and together. Kitt, Finn and Ada created the physical works and the exercise, thinking about staff setting and are agreeing boundaries around what they do and don’t take on at work. The offer of the plants provides a framework to rehearse having conversations and setting up processes for this collective decision making.