Danger Desire Consent

Since 2019 Kitt and feminist academic Dr Tina Sikka have been working on a long term project about consent. This page documents and links to some of the activity which has happened as part of this collaboration:
“Pleasures, Permissions, Desires” socially engaged project and exhibition, 2023-2024, Funded by a project grant from Arts Council England and Newcastle University (link to digital exhibition will be added to this site in Feb 2024)
“Justice Recitations”, co-created research project 2022-23, funded by the The Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network and Arts Council England (link to digital exhibition and resources)
“Spaces of Consent”, physical installation and online space, 2020-21, Supported by Newcastle University, the Gender Research Group (GRG) and by Ampersand Inventions at Orbis (link to Spaces of Consent digital space)
“Objects of Consent” Socially engaged commission by Newcastle University, 2019-20